In Loughborough

Transition Loughborough

Transition Loughborough is a community driven movement aimed at reducing the dependence on fossil fuels and promoting local infrastructure.

In the East Midlands region

Leicester Hackspace

Leicester Hackspace is a venue for makers of digital, electronic, mechanical and creative projects. Members have access to bike repair equipment, computers, a 3D printer, 3D miller/scanner, power tools and many other resources 24 hours a day. They also run special courses and events, in programming, Arduino, electronics, soldering, and more, which are open to members of the public.

Melton Space

Melton Space is a not-for-profit community workshop aiming to provide a welcoming, social and creative workshop space that is equipped for a broad range of activities. It is a space to meet, make, fix, create and share ideas & resources.

Nottingham Hackspace

Nottinghack is a Nottingham based group for hackers, makers and crafty creatives! If you like to build, make & learn it’s for you. You’ll probably be interested in learning about and sharing knowledge of electronics, crafts, robotics, DIY, laser cutting, CNC, 3D Printing, hardware hacking, photography, computing, reverse engineering, prototyping, film making, animation, building RC vehicles or robots and other creative challenges and projects.

Derby Markers

Derby Makers is a community of people who like to make stuff, be it out of wood, metal, fabric, electronics, code or anything else. Whatever your interest if you want a place in Derby to meet up and make stuff, or just talk about making stuff then come on down.